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My New Companion, Elder Tyler Hampton |
Elder Dudley got transferred last week and my new companion is Elder Hampton. He is from American Fork and went to West Lake High School. I love Elder Hampton, he is great! We get along just fine. He has been out for 19 months, and is a great missionary. Some of the funniest moments this week have been hearing some of Elder Hampton's stories on the mission, he has some crazy ones!
As far as my stress levels with the change, they weren't too bad, but I was a little nervous about the whole transfer thing and taking over Southport, I was a little nervous because everyone in the branch loved Elder Dudley a lot so it was a little scary having to fill that gap, but things are going well. It was a little crazy for the first few days but it's OK now, I'm starting to get the hang of it.
We had six families lined up to teach last week and, fart noise, they all fell through but we have appointments for this coming week so hopefully those will stick.
We had a fireside for members to bring friends to and they all failed the test, but one of our investigators came to it so it helped them see that we are actually doing work and trying hard out there, members don't really trust missionaries so hopefully this built some trust. Not the most spiritual week, but it was still such a blessing that she was able to make it.
Grocery shopping is going good, and yes, I have enough money and am getting enough to eat.
I love you all,
Elder Shields
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