Merry Christmas from our favorite missionary! |
Our family Christmas photo! |
Cheers went up as soon as we saw Elder Shields on the screen. After many attempts at a three-way Skype, Lauren and Tyler ended up face timing the call. Not ideal, but the whole family was together in one room for a time.
Jake shared some experiences he had at the MTC, including an intense verbal fight, where he and his district left the scene and had a devotional so as not to be negatively affected. He also told of his favorite song "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" being sung and comforting him.
Jake looks and sounds great. He is very happy with his companion who we found out is serving as the District Leader right now. They have a lot in common and like to share random facts that they each know. Jake says Elder Dudley is a hard worker and respects his knowledge of the Gospel. The work is slow; he says that the people respect what they are doing, but are not that interested in what they have to say. He did share one sweet experience of contacting a girl who is interested in their message. They tracted out her dad, who then referred them to his daughter. Jake was teary as he shared that she has anxiety and is fearful when it comes to going to church. He can relate to her in a way that others can't and feels grateful to be able to work with her.
When asked what he is looking forward to doing or seeing on PDay, he said they would probably go check out all the alligators! He is literally in Jake heaven with all the reptile animal life he is surrounded by.
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