Investigator update:
How is Maddie progressing?
She is doing well we have a lesson this week with her member friends who live in the Beaver Creek ward near Apex.
How is Andrew progressing?
PPPPTTTBBBBBHHTTTT!!! Sorry that was undignified anyways he wants to progress at his own pace so he no longer wants to meet with us, we're going to stick some of his member friends on him though.
How did "finding" go this week?
Great we have a few solid people we found, Darrel is a minister, we confounded him is his ways and we will be seeing him again on Thursday.
Tell us all about Elder Hawks "departure"...
Good, nothing out of the ordinary happened we worked right up until he left and we said good bye at transfers.
How are things going with Elder McConkie?
Great he is the man!
Where is he from?
Southern California, Rancho Santa Margirita is the name of his town.
What kind of things does he like to do?
He loves basket ball, ping pong, beach and Risk
How long has he been out?
Tell us about your experience being a zone leader, how are you liking it etc:
I like it, its a good change of pace and different responsibilities you get to know a lot more people as well which is nice, best thing about it though is you always have a solid companion.
Is there anything you need?
How often are you invited over for dinner?
5-6 times a week
Jake and his comp, Elder McConkie |