My Two Dads! (trainers) |
New Address:
108 Shadowood Drive Apt S
Chapel Hill NC 27514
My new companion is Elder Hancock. He is from Arizona. We came out on the same plane. I love Elder Hancock, he is awesome and a hard worker. We have a similar sense of humor, we come from different places. I am a city boy, and he is a farm boy from a cattle ranch.
This is the nicest apartment I have had yet, it has two levels!
The ward is stellar, the wml and the bishop are prime and the members, as far as we can tell, are great. Both of us are new to the area.
Funny Experience: The zone leaders have a rubber duck named rico and we stole it.
The teaching pool looks good and has a decent amount of people in it.
Scripture for the week:
Alma 5:14
"And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye siritually been born of God? Have you received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?"
Have a great week,
Elder Shields